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小雪 Xiǎo Xuě : Minor Snow

小雪 Xiǎo Xuě : Minor Snow

November 22nd through December 6th marks the time of 小雪 Xiǎo Xuě, or Minor Snow, the 20th term in the Ancient Chinese solar calendar and 2nd portion of Winter.

立冬 Lì Dōng: Start of Winter

立冬 Lì Dōng:Start of Winter

November 8th marks the 19th term on the Ancient Chinese Solar Calendar of Li Dong立冬, and the start of the Ancient Chinese Winter.

霜降 Shuāng Jiàng: Frost Descent

霜降 Shuāng Jiàng: Frost Descent

October 24th through November 7th marks the time of 霜降 Shuāng Jiàng, translated as Frost Descent, the 18th term in the Ancient Chinese Solar Calendar. It is also the sixth and final term of the autumn season.

寒露 Hán Lù: Cold Dew

寒露 Hán Lù: Cold Dew

October 8th through October 22nd marks the time of 寒露 Hán Lù, translated as Cold Dew, the seventeenth term in the Ancient Chinese Solar Calendar. It is also the fifth solar term of the autumn season.

秋分 Qiū Fēn: Autumnal Equinox

Qiū Fēn Autumnal Equinox

秋分 Qiū Fēn, known as the Autumnal Equinox is the 16th solar term on the Ancient Chinese Solar Calendar and the 4th term of the fall season.

白露 Bái Lù: White Dew

Bai Lu: White Dew

白露 Bái Lù, which translates as White Dew, is the 15th solar term in the Ancient Chinese Solar Calendar and the 3rd term of the fall season.

处暑 Chù Shǔ: Limit of Heat

处暑 Chǔ Shǔ, translated as Limit of Heat, is the 14th solar term in the Ancient Chinese Solar Calendar and the 2nd term of the fall season.

立秋 Lì Qiū: Start of Autumn

24 Solar Terms Li Qiu

立秋 Lì Qiū, translated as Start of Autumn, is the 13th solar term in the Ancient Chinese Solar Calendar and the 1st term of the autumn season.